
Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Higher--evocative of loftier altitudes, attitudes, and aspirations. I realize it really hasn't been quite that long since I last checked in, but much has transpired regarding those three wonderfully alliterative alterations [hah]. 

However, my thoughts are not coming through in an organized fashion today, so I apologize for exposing you to the quirky madness and mayhem that represents the inner workings of my brain.. 

..I cant really think of a more thorough way to prepare you, so I might as well begin.. A list perhaps? I dig. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Let's Dance to Joy Division.

Well kids. This is it. Morning of my last day of high school. My mom insisted upon snapping a few pictures as I bounced around the kitchen attempting [failing] to get out the door on time, but I think she only managed to capture a few mildly confused and distracted glances.. nothing to be compared to my gleeful grins as I prepared for my first day of kindergarten. [I was a late bird back in those days, clearly I should still be.]

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Ladies and gents, maintain a firm grasp on your stockings; I have a revelation for you. I have found my latest [and perhaps greatest] obsession. Pinterest. 

Though I often used Pinterest to find inspiration for some of the yummy treats I attempted for the senior project, until quite recently I was left unaware of the magnitude to which Pinterest would enthrall me in pursuit of my every whim. Behold, lovelies! I have Pin-boards for travel, I have pin-boards for pretty drinks, I even have pin-boards for scrumptious foods, darling dresses, and dapper dudes. [ha]

Sunday, June 2, 2013

To New Beginnings.

I propose a toast. 

I never really followed up with y'all at the end of this project--that's right lovelies, IT'S OVER-- so here I am, scraping together the pieces like I usually do. After all of the stress, writer's block, and late nights pinning recipes when I probably had something much more productive to be doing, my senior project is over. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Pi Day? pie day!

March 14th. A hallowed day in math and science classrooms nationwide, as teachers and students alike join together to celebrate the importance of the infinite decimal pi. Beginning with 3.14, and continuing on without rest [as I'm sure many of my posts may appear to do], pi reveals every other relevant number or string of numbers in human and not-so-human existence. 

It is also delicious. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Up to My Ears.

Well, lovelies, it has been a while.

Much has transpired since you last heard from me -- and although it may appear differently, I was not, in fact, attempting to go off the grid, 007-style. I have simply been, as this post title would suggest, up to my ears.

Bear with me, if you will, and I will make an attempt to catch you up on the antics of yours truly that have been keeping me occupied over the past few months.