
Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Ladies and gents, maintain a firm grasp on your stockings; I have a revelation for you. I have found my latest [and perhaps greatest] obsession. Pinterest. 

Though I often used Pinterest to find inspiration for some of the yummy treats I attempted for the senior project, until quite recently I was left unaware of the magnitude to which Pinterest would enthrall me in pursuit of my every whim. Behold, lovelies! I have Pin-boards for travel, I have pin-boards for pretty drinks, I even have pin-boards for scrumptious foods, darling dresses, and dapper dudes. [ha]

Well. There you are. Pin away. Follow me, perhaps? It is certainly a less verbose snapshot of the inside of my brain [a place of equal parts whimsy and wit, let me assure you] and I would love the company!

Thank you much, folks. 



  1. Ahh! You've finally discovered Pinterest! You will get completely sucked it, it's a fantastic addiction and obsession! Don't forget to reconnect with the real world occasionally(;

    1. I'm afraid you're absolutely right love. I am hopelessly addicted-- we may need an intervention relatively soon! xo
