
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Let's Dance to Joy Division.

Well kids. This is it. Morning of my last day of high school. My mom insisted upon snapping a few pictures as I bounced around the kitchen attempting [failing] to get out the door on time, but I think she only managed to capture a few mildly confused and distracted glances.. nothing to be compared to my gleeful grins as I prepared for my first day of kindergarten. [I was a late bird back in those days, clearly I should still be.]

But as for today, I have no finals, and only two classes. The way our creative and clever administration has organized it, Seniors don't even actually have class on the last day of school, so we're not required to be there--which means no one will be there--until graduation practice tomorrow at noon-ish. On a side note, people keep on wishing me luck for graduation.. Are they worried about my graduation status?  Or perhaps do they realize the significant probability of me falling flat on my shnoz as I reach desperately for my diploma?

And for your silly Harry Potter reference of the day, folks:

"Master has given Dobby a diploma.. Dobby is FREE!" 

But I digress. This afternoon, to celebrate the close of this massive chapter in our lives, a small, hand-selected group of friends and I, along with the rest of the Senior Class of 2013, are meandering up to THE RIVER. Apparently this place is the business. I'm excited to get a chance to spend some time with some old friends before we all disappear off into the abyss--er. summer, I mean. I, myself, will be jaunting on up to somewhere in the greater Lake Tahoe area, to put down some roots for the summer. I have a job--two, really--and I have been rather impatient these last few days in anticipation of this new adventure. 

FINALLY--I would like to give a loud exultation [a shoutout, lovelies] to my dear friend Caitlin. She too, has decided to broadcast her opinions and escapades to the masses, and I'm sure she would be thrilled to have your readership. Follow her bucket-list undertaking at:

So get out there, kids! Happy [mildly premature] Summer!


1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous.. I have to go to 4th period tomorrow! Ughh!! Thanks for the shout out my lovely!
