
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Pi Day? pie day!

March 14th. A hallowed day in math and science classrooms nationwide, as teachers and students alike join together to celebrate the importance of the infinite decimal pi. Beginning with 3.14, and continuing on without rest [as I'm sure many of my posts may appear to do], pi reveals every other relevant number or string of numbers in human and not-so-human existence. 

It is also delicious. 

Before I reveal any more of the undercover math nerd I generally hope [fail] to disguise--I mean, I'm going to college as an engineering major, for goodness' sake--I should introduce why, precisely, I chose to celebrate Pi Day. As aforementioned, many math and science classrooms take the day off from general coursework on March 14th to do fun activities relating to the number pi; they even sometimes CONSUME pie    [gasp]. I decided that my AP Calculus class was not appropriately acknowledging one of the most pertinent holidays to the subject we are [attempting to] study, so... I brought it back. 

Call me a hipster--or don't, I don't really mind either way--but I dared to take my adventures even further, by not only resurrecting my very favorite holiday, but also, challenging myself to bake a pie from scratch and inflict it upon my unsuspecting classmates. 

So, lovelies, wish me luck! Here are my exploits from the evening of March 13th. 

                                                   Crumb Crust Apple Pie

>> a lesson on apple preparation <<
Pie Filling

-1 pre-made pie crust
-6 apples [I prefer braeburn, fuji, pink lady, or granny smith]
-1/2 cup white flour
-2/3 cup white sugar
-1 tbsp cinnamon
-1/2 tsp nutmeg

1. Preheat oven to 425 F degrees
2. Peel and slice apples into mixing bowl
3. Add dry ingredients to mixing bowl
4. Use spatula to coat apples 
5. Arrange the apples in the pie crust to satisfy your own aesthetic desires

6. Pinch excess pie crust to form top edge of crust--this will remain exposed in the final product

>> adding the crumb crust <<

Crumb Crust

-1/2 stick or 1/4 cup butter, softened
-1/4 cup brown sugar
-1/4 cup white flour

7. Mix dry ingredients for crumb crust in mixing bowl
8. Cut in butter with a pastry knife
9. Spread crust evenly across apple filling surface and out to inside edges of bottom crust
10. Put pie in the oven for 15 minutes
11. At 15 minutes, turn oven down to 350 F degrees
12. Set timer for 30 minutes
13. After 30 minutes, check the pie and cover outer crust with foil to prevent burning
14. Continue to bake for another 15 to 20 minutes, or until golden brown and delicious. 

>> coming out of the oven <<
>> golden brown and ready for Pi Day <<
And to have you fully caught up on my love of pi, here's a clip from a show that will have techies, action-eers, and, drooling!

From Person of Interest, I present you:

The Importance of Pi

Happy [belated] Pi Day, little ones!


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