
Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Higher--evocative of loftier altitudes, attitudes, and aspirations. I realize it really hasn't been quite that long since I last checked in, but much has transpired regarding those three wonderfully alliterative alterations [hah]. 

However, my thoughts are not coming through in an organized fashion today, so I apologize for exposing you to the quirky madness and mayhem that represents the inner workings of my brain.. 

..I cant really think of a more thorough way to prepare you, so I might as well begin.. A list perhaps? I dig. 

I'm working. A lot. 

I have two jobs: one, I'm a lifeguard.

Or rather I'm being paid to yell at munchkins from an authoritative white chair.

The other: I work in a cupcake shop.

A thrilling test of my self control on all fronts. Really. 

I have made some wonderful friends.

My lovely Jeanne, I am talking to you, darling


[hold your applause, please]

Also, I just finished my training to be a baker and/or decorator at the cupcake shop.

Needless to say, I'm stoked. 

And, finally. The Ellie Goulding station on Pandora is bossy.

So to be a little more organized about things [in general], altitudes refers to my new home. Attitudes requires a little more explanation, I presume. I would imagine [hope] that no one out there in my vast audience has any idea what I'm thinking at any given time, so I'll try to be relatively clear and concise. 

The whole vibe up here is very unhurried--but not unmotivated--and very relaxed--but not uncaring. I really appreciate the impact this has had on me for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, it has taught me to plan ahead a bit more, because NO ONE goes anywhere with a sense of purpose, so if you're in a rush, go back to San Francisco

[no offense intended]

More seriously, though, I have come to appreciate the un-orchestrated moments. There is much to be said for wandering a bit. The way people up here approach their life as a broad subject is very reflective. [reflective of what, I have yet to quite identify, but primarily, of what people actually want to be doing]. 

I have tried to absorb as much of this vibe as possible--in addition to large quantities of my favorite, vitamin D. 

On that sunnier note, I cant possibly ramble on any longer. I'm losing my OWN attention span. 

Salutations, lovelies. 


Tastefully Inept

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