
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Up to My Ears.

Well, lovelies, it has been a while.

Much has transpired since you last heard from me -- and although it may appear differently, I was not, in fact, attempting to go off the grid, 007-style. I have simply been, as this post title would suggest, up to my ears.

Bear with me, if you will, and I will make an attempt to catch you up on the antics of yours truly that have been keeping me occupied over the past few months.

First, and probably most notably [at least to me, I suppose], I have been accepted to Santa Clara University. That's right, dear ones, I AM GOING TO COLLEGE. As hard as I have been working to convince you that I am completely and utterly inept in a plethora of fields [cooking, wrangling honey badgers, and base-jumping, to name a few] it would seem that I am, in fact, capable enough to go to college. And an esteemed private institution at that! [insert jab at how I should definitely be institutionalized here].

As you may have noticed in my last post, I was wearing a Santa Clara Water Polo tee as I blundered about the kitchen like a bat without sonar. However, I do not wish to deceive you-- I have no intentions of playing for their Division 1-level team. I played water polo on my high school team in the fall for the first time, and although I had a wonderful time, the significant majority of the goals I blocked were with my face; I doubt any mildly serious team would be seeking my contributions any time soon. SO-- although I will be supporting  my university's aquatic endeavors from a dry perch on the sidelines, I took the opportunity to join my high-school's swim team for the spring semester. Which brings me to the critical point of this post-- why, precisely, I am in up to my ears.

Allow me to briefly outline my average day's schedule, for those of you still with me:
5:30am - first alarm chirps
5:31-5:47am - ignore subsequent alarm chirps; roll over and go back to sleep
6:15-7:03am - frantically scurry about the house, attempting to get out the door on time
7:05am - give up on being on time [sorry AP Econ] and resume consuming large quantities of cheerios
7:15am - arrive at school -- hey look! I'm actually on time!
7:19am-1:48pm - CLASSES [for once the arbitrary times are not my fault, take it up with the school district]
2:00-2:56pm - study time
3:00-5:00pm - SWIM PRACTICE -- lets all go swim laps, I've always wanted to be a goldfish
5:15-7:15pm - WORK [yes, I have a job, too]
7:30pm - dinner, prepared by my caring, sympathetic mother
8:00pm-indeterminant - either back to school for a study session, or up to my room to attempt a little bit of homework before I inevitably fall asleep with one textbook or another sprawled across my lap

I have faith that all of you are very intelligent individuals, so I feel like it is almost not worth pointing out that which is already blatantly obvious; I have absolutely no time to blog for your reading pleasure. I realize, in reviewing my previous posts, that I made a goal to cook a meal every week and create a concise,  charming, and ever-so-witty post to document my valiant conquest of the kitchen. Clearly that is an ambition that is not even close to being realized [like most of my New Year's resolutions], but all sarcasm aside, I would like to apologize. I, as a general principle, like to keep up with my commitments, but sometimes a girl has to realize when she is stretched far too thin. I would also like to think that this is a crucial part of the Senior Project purpose --not only being able to come up with an idea for self-improvement or realization, but being able to let your pride take a hit, and acknowledge that you simply cannot accomplish everything you set out to do.

As for now, I have another post in the works, dedicated entirely to my absolute FAVORITE HOLIDAY EVER. I will get that one to you as soon as my schedule allows, and thank you for your patience, dear ones!


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