
Monday, March 31, 2014

Whew. College.

Well cheers, folks. 

We have made it not-so-successfully through two quarters of college.

Considering what a procrastinator I have proved to be--time and time again--I feel it is only appropriate to make my New Year's resolutions now. New quarter resolutions. BAM. In retrospect, I definitely have a few insights that should help me [and potentially some of you] get through the next quarter/semester/month, etc. Whatever floats your boat. 

So here we go. 

New Quarter Resolutions:

1. Prioritize. I need to make school my number one priority--and, like, ACTUALLY follow through on it. *gasp* 

2. Schedule. A big part of having the time to get things done is making  the time. And no, this is not sorcery.. Just keeping track of how you spend your time and filling in the gaps with productive work. 

3. Stay healthy. Not just staying away from germ-y residence halls and slowly spiraling into a destructive, OCD-dominated existence, but eating healthfully, exercising, and getting as much sleep as possible. 

...Let's be real.. I'm an engineering major, so that last bit may be a little bit of a stretch, but is it really necessary to check instagram for the one-millionth time at 2am? [the answer to that has yet to be determined]

At this point, most people would add some more cliches about having more fun or relaxing more.. but alas.. I AM NOT MOST PEOPLE [to my endless delight and detriment]

I have wonderful, beautiful, talented, and slightly disturbed friends, I have rugby, I have a supportive family [who only sometimes wants to kill me], and I have an excellent education and future ahead of me. 

I do realize, darlings, that this post isn't intended to be quite as entertaining as most. *sigh* welcome to college. THIS IS THE BIG LEAGUES NOW KIDS. I apologize for the lapse in communication and humor-- but if I stick to my resolutions, I should have some more time to post more and keep you enraptured with my impossibly eventful life...


Off we go!


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