
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Let's Dance to Joy Division.

Well kids. This is it. Morning of my last day of high school. My mom insisted upon snapping a few pictures as I bounced around the kitchen attempting [failing] to get out the door on time, but I think she only managed to capture a few mildly confused and distracted glances.. nothing to be compared to my gleeful grins as I prepared for my first day of kindergarten. [I was a late bird back in those days, clearly I should still be.]

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Ladies and gents, maintain a firm grasp on your stockings; I have a revelation for you. I have found my latest [and perhaps greatest] obsession. Pinterest. 

Though I often used Pinterest to find inspiration for some of the yummy treats I attempted for the senior project, until quite recently I was left unaware of the magnitude to which Pinterest would enthrall me in pursuit of my every whim. Behold, lovelies! I have Pin-boards for travel, I have pin-boards for pretty drinks, I even have pin-boards for scrumptious foods, darling dresses, and dapper dudes. [ha]

Sunday, June 2, 2013

To New Beginnings.

I propose a toast. 

I never really followed up with y'all at the end of this project--that's right lovelies, IT'S OVER-- so here I am, scraping together the pieces like I usually do. After all of the stress, writer's block, and late nights pinning recipes when I probably had something much more productive to be doing, my senior project is over.