
Monday, December 31, 2012


At some point recipes become irrelevant to the gifted cook. There is a pivotal moment where complete mastery of the kitchen transcends the age-old reliance on the shackles of a traditional recipe. At this climax--a spontaneous combustion of flavor and appetite--the true talent rises to the surface, like the cream in fresh milk. 

What's that? You think I'm basking in my own triumph? 

You flatter me. 

Sadly, I do not number among the exulted few. My embattled experiences in the kitchen could hardly be considered victorious. My mother [my dear mentor], however, is capable of whirling around the kitchen like a maelstrom, a smattering of simmering sauces and tender poultry left in her wake. The exact flavor of every spice in our cavernous spice drawer [while a complete mystery to me] is wielded with prowess, among limitless knowledge of arbitrary oven temperatures and measuring conversions. 

Friends, I read once that one does not, in fact, know everything, unless they are [of course] Google, Hermione, or my mother. I do not doubt this for a second. 

So, in regard to this project, my mother's trove of information means that I have no recipe to present to you for either of the dishes I made this evening. You should assume that for the most part, each item on the list of ingredients is to be used "to taste" [i.e. use as much or as little as you like, because that's what I did and it turned out pretty darn good] if I don't say so myself. 

                                            Chicken Enchilada & Winter Salad

Enchilada Sauce:   
-Tomato Sauce
-Chili Powder
-Ground Cumin
-Crushed Garlic

Layers of Enchilada:
-Flour Tortilla Rounds
-Monterey Jack Cheese [shredded]
-Enchilada Sauce [see above]
-Pan-Roasted Chicken Breast [also shredded]

Balsamic Vinaigrette
-Balsamic Vinegar
-Olive Oil
-Garlic Powder

Winter Salad:
-Romaine Lettuce
-Scallions [diced]
-Feta Cheese [crumbled]
-Red Apple [I prefer gala, jazz, or pink lady]
-Pan-Roasted Walnuts
-Balsamic Vinaigrette [see above]

And the final products, which I am rather proud of..

Thanks again lovelies, and Happy New Year! 


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