
Monday, December 31, 2012


At some point recipes become irrelevant to the gifted cook. There is a pivotal moment where complete mastery of the kitchen transcends the age-old reliance on the shackles of a traditional recipe. At this climax--a spontaneous combustion of flavor and appetite--the true talent rises to the surface, like the cream in fresh milk. 

What's that? You think I'm basking in my own triumph? 

You flatter me. 

Monday, November 12, 2012


Not with an exclamation mark--the idea didn't come to me with any pomp or pizzazz--but with a period.

Lounging around the house this morning, very determinedly avoiding homework, I had that awful sort of lugubrious sensation, where you just don't feel motivated to do anything. For me, this feeling usually comes by around the same time as I start to get hungry, as I tell myself that I am obviously not going to get anything productive done until I have some food in me. Here we get to the root of the issue--as a teenager, I am very close to starving approximately 97.3% of the time, so I spend a great deal of my time in transition between meals. That, my friends, is why I never get ANYTHING done. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Butterbeer and Blankets

As I pore over my well-loved, dog-eared copies of the Harry Potter series in search of the perfect senior quote, I am drawn to the idea of initiating my project with a sample of comfort food recipes. As I get all warm and fuzzy inside [despite the 90-degree heat today] dreaming of snuggling by the fire in the Gryffindor common room, with a warm butterbeer and a cozy blanket, I yearn for fall and for the lovely shepherd's pies my mom always makes to welcome fall.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Why Hello There, Internet.

I'm sure you're all wondering why I've gathered you here today...

I have one mission with this blog, which is, essentially, to pass AP Government and Economics. However, I do have slightly more creative ambitions for this project as well. The basic premise of the senior project is to learn or create something that will somehow better prepare me for my future...[for example, learning to repair a car engine, or perhaps, training to run a marathon]...BUT, being the indecisive teenager that I am, I decided to combine two lovely ideas into one glorious, yearlong project that will definitely [hopefully] earn me an "A" for my senior year!