
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Why Hello There, Internet.

I'm sure you're all wondering why I've gathered you here today...

I have one mission with this blog, which is, essentially, to pass AP Government and Economics. However, I do have slightly more creative ambitions for this project as well. The basic premise of the senior project is to learn or create something that will somehow better prepare me for my future...[for example, learning to repair a car engine, or perhaps, training to run a marathon]...BUT, being the indecisive teenager that I am, I decided to combine two lovely ideas into one glorious, yearlong project that will definitely [hopefully] earn me an "A" for my senior year!

Inspired by the wonderful film Julie and Julia, I decided to venture into the heretofore uncharted territory of  my mother's kitchen [insert ominous theme music here], and write a blog to record my experiences--IF I am cunning enough to make it out alive. As thrilling as this may sound, there are actual practical applications for the knowledge I am sure to accrue throughout this project.

One of the more obvious focal points of this blog would be to enhance my current set of skills, [see: about me] but I also hope to introduce another concept within my project. As a senior in high school, the prospect of college life looms on the not-so-distant horizon; according to recent statistics, 100.38% of college freshman rely on their caring and concerned mothers to provide them with sustenance to survive their first year. I will not be a statistic!

My agenda thus far:
-Explore a new meal every week
-Introduce recipes that are attuned to the appliances available in a college dorm [i.e. microwave, hotplate]
-Discuss low-budget grocery shopping
...and my personal favorite:
-Present the occasional meal to my victims-- [err. friends.]--and get feedback!

Although the project is not official yet, I am fairly [perhaps mistakenly] confident that my lovely idea will be approved by the administration; so until October 26th, cross your fingers!

aaand that's all folks!

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