
Thursday, September 4, 2014

< recap >

The summer is virtually over, save for a couple of last-ditch attempts to rally the troops and trek out to the beach, or perhaps regroup for one last family game night. However, my summer has just barely begun. 

I realize I haven't posted in a blue moon or three, but alas; I didn't actually fall off the face of the planet! [although there were a couple moments in which I would have liked to]. 

More realistically, I was bogged down in schoolwork. What's that you say? Summertime isn't for schoolwork? I must be doing something wrong then. While everyone else has been making casual jaunts to various tropical destinations, the most festive thing I could come up with was to bring my physics textbook to the pool with me whenever I dared to leave my hovel [dorm]. 
On the rare occasion that I did manage to trek off campus, though, I did my best to make the most of it. So what I have for y'all today, lovelies, is a collection of the best moments of my "summer" thus far. I'll spare you the physics talk and cut right to the good stuff. 
<mission peak v.2--sunrise edition>
<mission peak with the crew>

<pageant of the masters in laguna beach>
<recycle bookstore in downtown san jose>
<sunset view from my dorm>
<flowers at the campbell famer's market>
aaaaand that's pretty much it. thanks for sticking with me, darlings. 

Tastefully Inept

Thursday, May 8, 2014

So Much Love

I just need to take a second to appreciate my darling [dorkling] roommate. 

Alright, moment is up. Moving on.. 

Just teasing. 

Monday, March 31, 2014

Whew. College.

Well cheers, folks. 

We have made it not-so-successfully through two quarters of college.

Considering what a procrastinator I have proved to be--time and time again--I feel it is only appropriate to make my New Year's resolutions now. New quarter resolutions. BAM. In retrospect, I definitely have a few insights that should help me [and potentially some of you] get through the next quarter/semester/month, etc. Whatever floats your boat. 

So here we go.